Reablement aims to help people relearn the skills required to keep them safe and at home during recovery, after illness, injury, or hospital stays. It's a short-term service that promotes independence and reduces the need for ongoing care support.
When using Andi, the data collected can aid another assessment to determine whether the service user no longer needs monitoring or whether a long-term Analogue to Digital Package or Proactive and Preventive Package is required.
of people are discharged without any ongoing care needs
SCIE, 2024
reduction in subsequent social care provision costs
Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
of users had care packages discontinued after 6-12 weeks
Leicester: De Montfort University
Andi enables data-driven reablement decisions that ensures care packages can be right-sized depending on each service users progress and needs.
What is a Monitoring Rule?Monitoring rules consist of a set of criteria that must either be met, or not met – they are what drive the creation of alarms and alerts and decide who will be notified. These rules help measure progress against reablement goals by monitoring activities, movement patterns, and adherence to clinical recommendations - automatically alerting the right people when support or intervention may be needed.
Levels of Monitoring Rules
System Level RulesPre-built rules for common scenarios - ready to use instantly. For example "Unusual night activity".
User Level RulesCustomised rules tailored to individual needs. For example “Low activity levels" or "Missed medication time"
Easy CustomisationModify existing rules or create new ones with just a few clicks.
How Monitoring Rules Work
Select Rule Type
Choose from pre-built rules or create a custom one.
Set Parameters
Adjust thresholds and conditions to match individual needs.
Choose Recipients
Define who receives alerts, in what way and when.
Track and document recovery journey to support care decisions.
Progress Tracking
Assessment Support
Real-time monitoring and intelligent alert routing.
Clinical Dashboard Features
Alert Management
Specialised tracking and reporting for post-surgery recovery.
Activity Monitoring
Real-Time Monitor recovery progress with clinical dashboards and alerts.
Flexible Easily adapt care packages based on individual progress.
Evidence-Based Support decisions with comprehensive progress data.
Meet George
George, 72, recently had hip replacement surgery. Here's how Andi supported the reablement journey:
1.Inital Setup
2.Daily Monitoring
3.Data-Driven Support
4.Successful Transition
Andi collects reablement data to determine the most appropriate ongoing support package.
No Further Monitoring
When data shows independence goals achieved
Analogue to Digital Package
For basic ongoing monitoring needs
Proactive & Preventive Package
For comprehensive ongoing monitoring
Device-to-device communication enables automated responses
Data-driven decisions ensure service users receive the right level of support at the right time, optimising care resources and outcomes
Right-Sized SupportEvidence-based package selection prevents over or under-supporting service users
Resource Optimisation Efficient allocation of care resources based on actual needs
Seamless TransitionsSmooth progression between different levels of support as needs change.
Use Andi to gather evidence to right-size service users’ ongoing care packages
Unlock better care outcomes with Andi
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