
Insights from the 'Connecting Care with Andi' Webinar Series

Alex Fulcher | 04 Oct, 2024 |

The recent webinar series "Connecting Care with Andi: Past, Present, Practice, and Potential" explored 2iC-Care’s end-to-end technology enabled care solution, Andi!

Andi is a dispersed alarm unit that not only solves the analogue to digital transition, but also serves as a proactive and prevented software solution.

These sessions explored how Andi could be the answer to the analogue to digital switchover and ensure that care services are truly personalised for better care outcomes as well as being truly reliable and future-proofed. This blog post distils the key insights from each episode, highlighting the importance of innovation in care and the transformative potential of Andi.

If you were unable to attend, then we highly recommend clicking here! Simply fill in the form, ticking the episodes you are interested in to be sent the recordings directly.

If you are more of a reader than a listener, then we will cover the highlights from each episode below.


Episode 1: Frontlines to Lifeline TEC

Register to watch episode 1 here!

The first episode featured Richard Keyse, CEO of 2iC-Care, who shed light on the robust foundation of Andi's technology originating in the defence sector.


  • Defence-grade resilience for robust communication

In care settings, where lives can depend on the reliability of communication systems, Andi stands out with its defence-grade resilience. Richard Keyse emphasised this point:

"We've taken that defence-grade resilience and brought it into social care and healthcare. It gives you that robustness, that reliability, that scalability, and that security that you need in a modern care environment."

This level of dependability ensures that critical information is always transmitted, even in challenging circumstances, providing peace of mind to care providers and recipients alike.


  • Flexible architecture for future-proof care solutions

The care sector is constantly evolving, and technology must keep pace. Andi's flexible architecture is designed with this in mind. As Richard explained:

"We've built a flexible architecture that allows us to adapt very, very quickly. So as new technologies come along, as new use cases come along, we can very rapidly integrate those into the platform."

This adaptability ensures that care providers can confidently invest in Andi, knowing it will remain relevant and effective as care needs and technologies change over time.


  • Reliable interoperability with various peripherals

One of Andi's most powerful features is its ability to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of peripherals. This interoperability is crucial for creating a comprehensive care ecosystem. Richard highlighted this capability:

"We can integrate with nearly any sensor, any device, any system. We can bring all of that data together and present it in a way that's meaningful to the care provider, to the individual, to their family members."

This integration capability allows for a more holistic approach to care, leveraging diverse data sources to provide better insights and more effective care strategies.


Episode 2: Is There Another Way to Transition to Digital?

Register to watch episode 2 here!


The second episode was with 2iC-Care’s product manager Hollie Jamison, who explored how transitioning to digital can be made easy with Andi. Focusing on Andi's multi-connectivity options, peripheral compatibility, and customisable monitoring for personalised care solutions.


  • Multi-connectivity options

Having three ways of communication helps to overcome signalling or internet challenges often faced in care environments. The three connections are roaming SIM, WiFi and Ethernet. Andi switches between the connections to find the strongest and most reliable connection, crucial for uninterrupted care delivery.

Hollie Jamison supported this saying: “it's really important, we use the solutions that are the most resilient and that are going to offer that connected care. Connected care is only as good as the solution and the connectivity methods that it has.”


  • Peripheral and system compatibility

Andi can connect to a range existing analogue and future peripherals, offering a cost-effective path for care providers. This flexibility enables care facilities to leverage their current equipment while being prepared for future technological advancements. 2iC-Care do not manufacture their own peripherals to that care services can build care packages to suit each service user.


  • Customisable monitoring

Perhaps most importantly, Andi offers customisable monitoring for personalised care solutions. This allows care providers to tailor their approach to each individual's needs, resulting in more effective and person-centred care. By enabling the creation of specific alerts presented as actionable insights, Andi helps improve care outcomes and enhances the overall quality of life for care recipients.


Episode 3: Transforming Care with Real-world Impact

Register to watch episode 3 here!


The third episode delved into the practical applications and real-world impact of Andi, highlighting five key areas of transformation with 2iC-Care’s Operations Director Danny Shephard and Jenny Mace, the Head of Strategic Business Development at Healthcare Management Trust who have Andi installed at Coloma Court Care Home.


  • Data-Driven conversations

Data-driven care conversations have become possible, enhancing communication between care providers and residents. Jenny Mace from HMT highlighted this, saying, "What the data does is open up really personalised conversations with people. It enables us to have really in-depth data backed conversations about what's going on for them."


  • Fall reduction and improve resident safety

Andi's implementation has shown a reduction in falls and improved resident safety. Jenny provided a concrete example: "He had 17 falls in nine months, so lots of falls, some of them hospitalised... since we've had the Andi in place in the last six months had two falls so dramatically reduced."


  • Proactive and preventative health monitoring

Danny Shephard emphasised how Andi enables proactive and preventative health monitoring, allowing for early detection of potential health issues through trend analysis.


  • Improved resident sleep quality

Improved resident sleep quality has been another notable outcome. Jenny explained: "We noticed from all the data [such as] the use of television at night, bathroom door being opened, lights going on, we know that people are significantly disturbed at night. So we've now instigated a whole project looking into people's sleep."


  • Integrate with existing systems

Lastly, Andi's ability to integrate with existing systems such as the Coloma Court nurse call system creates a more connected care environment where all data can be shown as actionable insights.


Episode 4: Future-proofing Care - Andi, AI Adaptive Solutions and More

Register to watch episode 4 here!


The final episode looked towards the future, exploring how Andi is positioned to adapt to the evolving care landscape with 2iC-Care Founder and CEO Richard Keyse and Sonja Calder, Co-Founder and Head of Solutions at 2iC-Care.


  • Scalable solution

Andi offers a scalable solution for each care service, adaptable to different care environments and customisable for varied care needs. Sonia Calder emphasised this, stating: "We recognise that people are individuals and care needs to be personalised. [With Andi] everything is tailored to the person and their needs."


  • Open and interoperable

The platform's open and interoperable nature allows for integration with future peripherals. Richard Keyes highlighted this: "If we're not open, we can't exploit all the future devices and peripherals and systems that are coming up because it means that we're locked into a, you know, a proprietary solution which doesn't really work."


  • AI-ready

As an AI-ready platform, Andi is prepared for the potential applications of AI in care settings when there are more readily available datasets so that it becomes more reliable for use in clinical settings. Richard explained: that at the moment Andi empowers carers and clinicians by using machine learning "a tool which really analyses historic data and converts it into insights and information."


  • Software adaptability

Rapid software adaptability is another key feature. Richard noted: "The big thing is that you can adapt, you know really rapidly. The solutions we've had in the past, are very hard to adapt because hardware is more difficult to change."


  • Continuous innovation and development

Finally, 2iC-Care's commitment to continuous innovation and development ensures that Andi will remain at the cutting edge of care technology.


The "Connecting Care with Andi" webinar series illuminated the potential of Andi. From its robust communication infrastructure to its adaptability for future needs, Andi represents a significant leap forward in care technology. As the care sector continues to evolve, solutions Andi will play a crucial role in enhancing the quality and efficiency of care delivery. For care providers looking to future-proof their services and provide the best possible care, embracing such innovative solutions is not just beneficial – it's essential.

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Unlock better care outcomes with Andi

@ Copyright 2iC-Care 2023